U-M Research & Compliance


The Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) is an institutional-wide program coordinated by the University of Michigan Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR) and composed of the executive officers, research review committees, and other entities that are responsible for protecting the rights and welfare of participants in research conducted or reviewed by the U-M. 

HRPP Advisory Council

The HRPP Advisory Council advises the U-M Institutional Official and Deputy Institutional Official with regard to HRPP and IRB policies and procedures, and identifies priority areas for improvement to enhance the effectiveness of the program. The HRPP Advisory Council includes representation from a broad base of the research community.

HRPP Newsletter

The HRPP Pulse, published bi-monthly by the Human Research Protection Program (HRPP), features news, updates, events, and resources from our Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) and its reporting units. Partnering with units to highlight important information to keep you and your colleagues updated on policies, human research requirements, best practices, and resources. Subscribe Now

Researcher Roles & Responsibilities

As a U-M investigator or research staff working on a human subjects study, you are expected to following the federal, state, and university policies regarding the protection of human subjects.  The HRPP Operations Manual outlines the U-M policy in detail. At a high-level, investigators and research staff are responsible for:

  • Minimizing risk to subjects and protecting subject rights and welfare
  • Securing IRB and other departmental or institutional regulatory approvals in advance of the research
  • Obtaining and documenting informed consent
  • Disclosing conflicts of interest
  • Complying with sponsor-specific requirements as applicable (e.g., FDA requirements)
  • Completing applicable training for the protection of human research subjects

See the Operations Manual – Part 6:  Roles & Responsibilities for full details.

Association for the Accreditation of Human research Protection Program, Inc.

U-M HRPP Key Information

The University of Michigan has an approved Federalwide Assurance (FWA) with the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS). 

U-M’s IRBs are also registered with the HHS Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP).

U-M FWA Number:  FWA00004969
U-M Institution/Organization Number:  IORG0000144

The expiration date for the assurance changes regularly.  If you need the expiration date, please visit OHRP’s registration database, enter the FWA Number above, and click “Search.”  

U-M IRB IRB Registration Number
 U of Michigan IRBMED A-1 #1  IRB00000244
 U of Michigan IRB-HSBS – Health Science – Maize #3  IRB00000245
 U of Michigan IRB-HSBS – Behavioral Science – Blue #3  IRB00000246
 U of Michigan IRBMED B-2 #6  IRB00001995
 U of Michigan IRBMED A-2 #7  IRB00001996
 U of Michigan IRBMED B-1 #8  IRB00001999
 U of Michigan IRB #1 – IRBMED C-1 #9  IRB00005467
U of Michigan IRB #11 – IRBMED C2 #11  IRB00012211

Selected Research Review Units

See the Operations Manual – Part 2: Organization of the HRPP for full details.


To ask a question, express concerns, or provide suggestions about human research protections at U-M, please send a message to [email protected].

Contact information for the Research Review Units can be found on their respective websites.